Problems on Speed Time and Distance

Learn and practice Problems on speed time and distance with easy explaination and shortcut tricks. All questions and answers on speed & distance covered for various Competitive Exams

Solve Problems:

1) A running man crosses a bridge of length 500 meters in 4 minutes. At what speed he is running?

  1. 8.5 km/hr
  2. 7.5 km/hr
  3. 9.5 km/hr
  4. 6.5 km/hr

2) A car running at a speed of 140 km/hr reached its destination in 2 hours. If the car wants to reach at its destination in 1 hour, at what speed it needs to travel?

  1. 300 km/hr
  2. 280 km/hr
  3. 250 km/hr
  4. 240 km/hr

3) A jogger is running at a speed of 15 km/hr. In what time he will cross a track of length 400 meters?

  1. 96 sec
  2. 100 sec
  3. 104 sec
  4. 110 sec

4) A horse covers a distance of 1500 meters in 1 minute 20 seconds. At what speed the horse is running?

  1. 67.2 km/hr
  2. 67.7 km/hr
  3. 67. 5 km/hr
  4. 67.9 km/hr

5) A cyclist moving at a speed of 20 km/hr crosses a bridge in 2 minutes. What is the length of the bridge?

  1. 555.5 m
  2. 444.4 m
  3. 777.7 m
  4. 666.6 m

6) Two boys start running at the same time in the same direction at a speed of 10 km/hr and 12 km/hr respectively. In what time they will be 8 km apart?

  1. 3 hours
  2. 4 hours
  3. 5 hours
  4. 6 hours

7) A man walking at a speed of 8 km/hr covers a certain distance in 1 hour 45 minutes. If he runs at a speed of 10 km/hr, in what time he will cover the same distance?

  1. 74 minutes
  2. 70 minutes
  3. 80 minutes
  4. 84 minutes

8) A horse covers a certain distance in 40 minutes if it runs at a speed of 60 km/hr. At what speed the horse can cover the same distance in 30 minutes?

  1. 80 km/hr
  2. 82 km/hr
  3. 84 km/hr
  4. 86 km/hr

9) A car moving at a speed of 75 km/hr covers certain distance in 2 hours. If its speed is reduced by 15 km/hr, in what time it will cover the same distance?

  1. 135 minutes
  2. 140 minutes
  3. 150 minutes
  4. 155 minutes

10) At his usual speed a cyclist covers a certain distance in 8 hours. When the speed of cycle is increased by 4 km/hr the same distance can be covered in 6 hours. Find the distance.

  1. 92 km
  2. 94 km
  3. 96 km
  4. 98 km

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