Problems on Logarithm

Learn and practice Problems on logarithm with easy explaination and shortcut tricks. All questions and answers on logarithm covered for various Competitive Exams.

Solve Problems:

1) Find the logarithm of 1/256 to the base 2√2.

  1. 16
  2. 13/5
  3. -16/3
  4. 12

2) If loga [1/36] = -2/3, find the value of a.

  1. 6
  2. 8
  3. 9
  4. 216

3) Find the value of x

Log4(log8 64) = log5 x

  1. 2
  2. 6
  3. 5
  4. √5

4) The equation, a2 + b2 = 7ab equals to

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5) If (log3 x)(logx 2x)(log2x y) = logx x2, find y.

  1. 6
  2. 9
  3. 5
  4. 7

6) Add the equation x = 1 + loga bc, y = 1 + logb ca and z = 1 + logc ab. Find the value of 

  1. xyz = xy + yz + zx
  2. X2yz = xyz + yx + 1
  3. (xz + 1)2 = xy – yz – zx
  4. (xz + y) = xy + yz + zx

7) Find the characteristics of the logarithms of i) 5631, ii) 5.678, iii) 56.23.

  1. 3, 1, 5
  2. 3, 0, 1
  3. 6, 5, 9
  4. 8, 7, 6

8) If log 2 = 0.30103, log 3 = 0.47712, the number of digits in 620 is

  1. 8
  2. 12
  3. 16
  4. 20

9) The logarithm of 0.0001 to the base 0.001 is equal to

  1. 4/3
  2. 5/3
  3. 7/3
  4. 2/3

10) If logb x = ͞5.1342618, then the value of log10(x(1/4)) will be

  1. ͞1.2835655
  2. ͞2.7164345
  3. ͞2.7835655
  4. ͞3.2164345

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